Andrew Donald visited Sienna and described his time talking with deaf Italians there. The Italian description is first and the English translation follows it.
Giovedì scorso, io sono andato all’incontro degli Italiani sordi per ottenere che la lingua dei Segni Italiani sia approvata in governo d’Italia. Ho incontrato gli Italiani sordi e ho avuto una buona conservazione con loro. Ero molto contento perché mi sono sentito molto collegato con gli Italiani sordi. Ero molto motivato ad imparare la Lingua dei Segni Italiana e la cultura sorda italiana. Molti Italiani mi hanno domandato sulla cultura americana e cosa Stati Uniti ha (per esempio: gli Stati Uniti hanno le macchine molto grandi e l’Italia ha molte macchine piccole. Gli Stati Uniti usano miglia e l’Italia usa i chilometri). Ho potuto collegare la cultura sorda italiana e la cultura sorda americana perché ho trovato alcune simili cose tra le due culture.
La mia gita a Siena era sorprenderle e avventurosa! Incontrare gli Italiani sordi era una bellissima esperienza e non le dimentichero’ mai. Questa esperienza è l’momento culminante durante il periodo sono in cui Italia. Era difficile ma ho sorpreso perche’ ho avuto belle conservazioni con Italiani sordi senza usando la Lingua dei Segni Americana.
Last Thursday, I went to a meeting with deaf Italians for the Italian government to approve Italian Sign Language. I met deaf Italians and I had a great conversation with them. I was very happy because I felt very connected with the deaf Italians. I was very motivated to learn Italian Sign Language and Italian deaf culture. Many Italians asked me about American culture and what the United States has (for example: the United States has very large cars and Italy has many small cars. The U.S. uses miles and Italy uses kilometers.) I was able to connect Italian deaf culture and American deaf culture because I found some similar things between the two cultures.
After the midterm exam and Italian classes, Tamara and I took trains to Sienna. We went to Sienna for the weekend to visit our friends, meet more deaf Italians and for Italian Sign Language. Last Saturday, Tamara and I met our friends and the group in the Sienna School program and we all went to the soccer game. There were deaf soccer teams there. I chatted with some of the deaf Italians. I met a man and his name was Fabio. He was very nice. I learned some more and enjoyed the conversation. We chatted about our lives in Italy and the United States.
My trip to Sienna was a surprise and adventurous. Meeting deaf Italians was a wonderful experience and I will never forget it. This experience is the culminating moment during my time in Italy. It was difficult but I was surprised because I had nice conversations with deaf Italians without using American Sign Language.
Story and Pictures by Andrew Donald
Translation by LisaMarie Gaeta
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